• 1994 -1996 included in the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) activities. Contributed, as a reviewer to the Second Assessment Report of the Working Group III of the IPCC ( Climate Change in 1995 - Economic and Social Dimensions of Climate Change: Contribution of Working Group III to the Second Assessment Report of the IPCC ; WMO&UNEP ; James P. Bruce, Hesung Lee and Erik F. Haites eds. Cambridge Univ. Press, 1996, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge UK.)
  • June 2000 -August 2000, participated in the project "Recovery and Transition of Yugoslav Economy" sponsored by the Center for International Private Enterprise, Washington D.C. paper "Institutional Aspects of Restructuring and Deregulation of the Serbian Electricity Industry".
  • March 2002 - May 2002 included in WAMASPO project Designing Waste Management Strategic Policy Framework "Economic Instruments for Solid Waste management in Serbia" Regional Environmental Center for Central and Eastern Europe, Country Office Yugoslavia.
  • March 2002 - October 2002, included, as an economic policy expert, in preparations of the Environmental Performance Review for Serbia and Montenegro by the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe in Geneva.
  • March 2003 - May 2004, engaged on the project "Flexible Mechanisms Under the Kyoto Protocol in Central and Eastern Europe" sponsored by the Center for Policy Studies, Open Society Institute, Budapest.
  • February 2004 - June 2005, engaged on the project "Monetary estimation of the environmental damages in Serbia" (a part of Environmental Capacity Building Programme 2003 - Republic of Serbia) and in preparations of the National Environmental Action Plan (economic instruments), financed by the European Reconstruction Agency.
  • March 2005 - June 2005, engaged on the Project "Greek-Serbian Cooperation in Environmental Institution Building Program" financed by the Greek Foreign Affairs Ministry Hellenic Plan.
  • March 2006 - April 2007, engaged on the EU funded Project "An Integrated Socio-economic Development Plan based on the Rehabilitation of the Middle Danube River Basin and Inland Waterway System of Serbia", managed by the European Agency for Reconstruction.
  • April 2006 - March 2007, engaged as a Senior Financial Expert on the Preparation of Feasibility Study for Water Resources Quality Project in Mali Zvornik, Regional Environmental Center for Central and Eastern Europe, Country Office Serbia.
  • From November 2006, engaged as a team leader on Preparations of the National Sustainable Development Strategy for the Republic of Serbia, UNDP and SIDA.